Prospr With the Right Financial Plan
By Heidi Unrau | Published on 21 Jul 2022

In collaboration with Sun Life
If you know more about Pythagorean Theorem than you do about mortgage protection insurance, you need Prospr by Sun Life. You can’t achieve financial wellness if you don’t even understand how all these products work, what you actually need, or where to get them. Why is adulting unnecessarily hard? Enter Prospr by Sun Life. It’s a new digital platform to make grown-up things easy.
Prospr gives everyone access to the investment, health, and protection solutions they need, in a way that makes the most sense for them. No complicated jargon, no need to leave the couch, no Canadian left behind. Get the Sun Life financial products you need without feeling intimidated or sacrificing expert advice from real people. Here’s how Prospr can help you level up your life.
Why did Sun Life launch the Prospr platform?
A solid financial plan should cover all the bases. How do you know you have the right life insurance for your needs? What about getting out of debt, retirement planning, a college fund for the kids? Too many Canadians are falling through the cracks and they know it. We asked, Sun Life delivered.
Prospr is a new digital hub by Sun Life that connects us with the expert advice we want and the Sun Life products we need without disrupting our busy lives. The best part? We can actually understand how all this stuff works because everything is written in plain English instead of algebra. Finally, financial planning has an easy mode. #bless
What to expect from the new digital platform
Expect things to be hella easy, that’s what. I took the platform for a test drive and it was actually fun, like driving a sporty hatchback vs. a minivan. And the nod to Bobby McFerrin on the landing page made me chuckle, out loud, with sound. In every life, we have some trouble, except on the Prospr platform where life is easy.
Once you create an account you can take the initial assessment. You’ll need to enter information about yourself like your name, date of birth, information about your family, employment and income. Next, Prospr will ask you to create financial goals.
I want to grow my emergency fund so I set that as my goal, clicked “start now,” and followed the prompts. In less than 5 minutes my goal was set and Prospr immediately gave me a PDF file with 4 actionable tips to build my emergency fund. Nice touch!
I could see my progress so far and I received actionable tips to reach my goal faster. The built-in planning tools were easy to use and let me create a flexible financial plan based on my needs. From there, I could easily connect with an advisor for expert advice or even just a second opinion.
But saving is kind of straightforward. What about the more complicated stuff like insurance? Surely that process would be convoluted like it is on almost every other platform I’ve tried. Gather ‘round friends, I’m about to blow your mind. The process is so easy you can do the assessment on your phone while you’re making dinner. It’s basically the meal kit of financial platforms; the ingredients you need for the right financial plan in one easy spot.
Prospr with advice you can trust
Here’s where Prospr by Sun Life really nails it. It gives you the right advice even when there’s nothing in it for them. My insurance assessment confirmed that I am fully covered and probably don’t need additional coverage. Talk about honest results that don’t push a sale, only the products you actually need.
But there was still a serious problem. Just because I’m properly insured doesn’t mean all my needs are met. Prospr pointed out that I still need a will that names legal guardians for my children should the unthinkable happen. A will has not been top of mind because none of the other financial or insurance professionals I’ve worked with in the past have ever mentioned it.
That feels unacceptable to me, and I’m thankful Prospr pointed it out. My children were vulnerable because the elements of a comprehensive financial plan are too fragmented across providers. Clearly, that can leave your financial plan exposed to major blindspots. The Prospr platform brings all those moving parts together in one place, assesses your needs, and provides personalized recommendations to patch up the holes.
Is Prospr by Sun Life right for you?
Prospr by Sun Life is great for anyone who wants something quick and easy without giving up quality. It doesn’t matter how informed or novice you are when it comes to financial planning. Prospr is designed to serve diverse needs on a personalized platform. Everyone has access to the tools they need to build a complete financial plan, with or without the help of experts.
If you want to speak with someone, it’s easy to connect with an advisor without having to search for that function deep in a menu tab somewhere. You can book an appointment from your dashboard, or from the results page of a needs assessment. Just choose a day and time that works for you. And don’t worry, you don’t have to rehash your needs and provide all your information all over again, which is super annoying. Your advisor can already see your assessment and other relevant information, which makes your scheduled appointment faster and more efficient.
You can access and manage all your current Sun Life products from the Prospr dashboard. To get a new Sun Life product, like mortgage protection insurance or an investment plan, you can do the entire process online and finalize the documents through eSign. No one has to leave the house to get the financial solutions they need. Hello, parents? Introverts? People with mobility issues? This is for you!
Live well and Prospr with this important feature
Sorry, Spock. We can’t all live long, but we can all live well. Prospr is the first platform I’ve come across that makes mental health and wellness an important part of your financial plan. I took the “Afford and support my health and wellness” assessment and loved it. Here’s why:
After the assessment, I was given the choice to connect with a healthcare provider in my area. If you’re like me and struggle with anxiety, you know how hard it can be to access the care you need. If there are too many steps or I have to interact with a middleman, I throw up my hands and bail. Can you relate?
The Prospr platform put everything in one place and made it easy for me to get what I need on my own terms, which felt both safe and empowering. Stop wondering if you’re getting this whole adult thing right, and nail it instead. Sign up for Prospr by Sun Life today. It’s free and easy – my two favourite things.