Exclusive Offers

Panda7 - assurance auto
Panda7 - assurance auto

Compare top-rated car insurance carriers in Quebec and save on premiums with Panda7. Get free quotes in minutes and find the best coverage for your needs.

American express Gold Scotia
American express Gold Scotia

Earn up to $650* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points. *Conditions apply.


Save up to $25,232 in interest when you choose nesto over the big banks.

Square One
Square One

Get home insurance in 5 minutes for as little as $12/month. Best of all, Hardbacon users receive a $20 account credit when they choose Square One.


Earn up to $600* Welcome Bonus. No monthly plan fees for one year, send Unlimited BMO Global Money Transfers with no fee for one year.