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Frequently asked questions about hotel rooms
Can I rent a hotel room without a credit card?
You can absolutely rent a hotel room without a credit card. You won’t be able to reserve a room in advance with cash, but hotels do accept cash payments upon check-in. To book a room in advance, you’ll need either a credit card, a Visa debit card or a prepaid card. Some online booking sites even let you pay through PayPal. Most hotels require a deposit in addition to the cost of the room to cover things like incidentals, damage, or theft. Generally, hotels will place a pre-authorized hold on your credit card for the amount of the room, plus the deposit amount. The hold is released a few days after check-out as long as you have not damaged the room or stolen anything. While some hotels might let you pay for the deposit in cash or a debit card, not all hotels do, so it’s better to travel with a Visa debit or a prepaid card.
Can you walk into a hotel and book a room?
How do hotels charge for rooms?
How do you cancel a hotel reservation?
How to get out of a hotel cancellation fee?
Is it cheaper to book a hotel room through a travel site or directly through the hotel?
Do I have to pay resort fees?
How to get a free hotel room upgrade?
Does travel insurance cover hotel cancellation?
Are hotels cheaper than apartments?
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