The Best Freelancers on Fiverr Canada: How to Find Hidden Gems & Avoid Duds

By Arthur Dubois | Published on 17 Aug 2023

Fiverr Canada, freelancers on Fiverr Canada

Looking for the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada? If you are paying for a service, you want to make sure that your money won’t go to waste. Hiring the wrong person to do the job not only sets you back financially but also robs you of other important resources like time and energy.

To save yourself from the frustration caused by wasted time and money, you first need to find the right platform to hire from. Once you have that, the next task is to select the best person for the job. In this article, we have compiled the best tips and tricks that we have learned from our own experiences to help you find the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada. Before we share these tips and tricks, let us discuss why Fiverr Canada is a good place to get your freelance job done.

Why should you choose Fiverr Canada?

Fiverr Canada isn’t just another freelance marketplace—it’s a hub of creativity, innovation, and talent. It offers both local and global experts who understand your unique business needs. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established enterprise, here’s why choosing freelancers on Fiverr Canada is a smart business move.

Easy to use

Fiverr is very easy to use and navigate. The website’s layout is straightforward. There is a search bar at the top of the page so you can type exactly what service you are looking for. The page also has a horizontal bar with tabs that represent different service categories.

If you click on them you will see a drop-down menu containing sub-categories relevant to the main category. This will help you narrow down your search and give you more relevant results. 

how to search for freelancers on Fiverr Canada

Right now, we are talking from a buyer’s perspective because you are probably reading this article to learn how to find the right seller. However, if you ever decide to sell your services on Fiverr, you won’t have to make a separate selling account. Simply click the green text “switch to selling” next to your profile picture in the top right corner and voila! You can start making money on Fiverr by updating your profile as a seller and creating gigs.

It’s secure

Fiverr Canada is a legitimate and secure platform where you can safely make financial transactions. It also offers escrow services to protect both the buyer and the seller. When you purchase a gig on Fiverr, it will keep your payment in escrow until you approve the work provided by the seller and mark the order as completed.

If you don’t like the work quality, you can communicate it to the seller and cancel the order to get your payment back. If the seller refuses to accept this arrangement, you can take the issue to customer support and ask for arbitration.

Affordable rates

We consider cost-efficiency to be the number one benefit of freelancers on Fiverr Canada. You can get great quality at a price as low as $5. Fiverr has sellers from all around the world and exchange rates vary from country to country, $5 holds a different value for different freelancers. In countries where the value of the dollar is very high compared to the local currency, $5 is considered good compensation for providing services.

Sellers who are new to Fiverr tend to keep their prices low in order to entice customers to hire them. It is true that as sellers gain more experience and confidence in their work, they increase the prices of their services. However, high prices do not guarantee quality. Nor does a low price imply poor quality. Further in the article, we will discuss factors other than cost that can help you find the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada.

Easy collaboration

Fiverr gives you the option to create lists that can come in handy if you order freelance services regularly. These can also be useful if you are working with teams. Let’s suppose you are working on developing a new website and need to hire developers, content writers, and graphic designers. You can create a list, name it “project website”, and add the gigs you want to that list. You can then share the list with your team members to keep them in the loop.

If you are using Fiverr services for business purposes, and are likely to be a frequent buyer, it is best to use your business credit card. This will not only help you manage your finances better, but it may also help you earn perks and benefits from your card company.

Pro services

Pro sellers are freelancers who have been personally verified by Fiverr Canada. This verification translates to higher prices and guaranteed quality. Although nothing is guaranteed 100%, when using Pro services, you are far more likely to receive high-quality work.

If the service you need is for a high-risk job and you cannot afford to go wrong, it is best to go for Pro services. In normal circumstances though, you can get the same quality at a much cheaper rate from non-pro sellers.

Pro sellers are the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada that have been verified by the platform

Background check

The star-based rating system, calculated average response time, reviews given by other buyers, and number of orders placed on a gig, are features to help you compare freelancers on Fiverr Canada before you contact them.

How to find the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada

Finding the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada is like striking gold in the Yukon—richly rewarding and well worth the effort. With the right strategies, you can uncover gems of talent nestled among the vast array of freelancers to choose from. By following these tips and keeping an eye out for red flags, you’re much more likely to find a freelancer who can quickly deliver a quality product that meets your needs.

Specify your needs

The first step to making any purchase, whether a product or service, should be to identify what purpose it will serve. If you are specific about your needs, you will know exactly what you are looking for, making it easier to filter out less relevant options. For example, if you are looking for a logo design in a certain file format, you can rule out graphic designers who do not work with that format. 

Start by entering specific keywords related to the job you want to be done in the Fiverr search bar. For example, if you’re looking for an experienced writer for your tech blog, search “tech blog writer” instead of just “writer”. This will narrow down your search results and save you a ton of time.

Now let’s say you want a service in the “writing & translation” category. When you click on “writing & translation”, a drop-down menu will list the service categories that exist within that niche. You can see which sub-category defines the service that you need and click on it to narrow down your search.

Instead of selecting a sub-category from the drop-down menu, if you double-click on “writing & translation”, Fiverr will take you to a page dedicated to this niche. You will find that the sub-categories have a better visual representation on that page.

target your search with keywords related to your niche to find the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada

Toggle buttons

Another way to target your search is by using the toggle buttons on the gig search page. There are three toggle buttons: “Pro services”, “Local services”, and “Online sellers”. We discussed “Pro services” in the previous section. You can switch on the “Pro services” toggle button if you are looking for very high-quality work and budget is not an issue.

If you are in Canada and you think that the nature of the job is such that only a Canadian can do it the way you want, switch on the “Local services” toggle button to see only gigs by Canadian freelancers.

If you want a job done within the same day, or you at least want to be done with the task of assigning the job that day, use the “Online sellers” toggle button. Fiverr will then show only the gigs of sellers who are online at that moment. This will increase your chances of getting your job done on time.

cover letter


Another efficient way to target your search is by applying filters. You can find four search filters on the opposite side of the gig search results page where you see toggle buttons. These will help narrow down your search to a particular budget, delivery time, type of seller, and specific service options.

When you click “service options”, you will see a drop-down menu allowing you to narrow your search to a specific industry, such as academia, and a specific language. You can select more than one industry or language at once. You can also choose to see only gigs that provide review and edit options.

When you click “seller details”, you will be able to specify which country or countries you want the sellers to be from and which languages they specify. You can also choose to see only the top-rated sellers or new sellers. Other filtering options include delivery time and budget range.

Analyze the gig & the seller

Performing a targeted search will increase your chances of finding the best freelancer for the service you require. However, even after targeting your search, you will see plenty of options that match your criteria. The next task is to analyze the gigs shown to you.

Before opening the gig

The way the seller has designed his gig’s image can say a great deal about his style, especially if you are looking for graphic design services. Under the gig’s image, you will see the seller’s name and details. Below that, you will see a description of the service the seller is offering.

If you are looking for a content writer, the way the description is articulated should be taken into account when deciding to contact that seller. You should also consider the seller’s rating and the number of orders that have been placed for that gig. If a gig has a five-star rating but only one order was placed, this is not enough information to conclude that the seller will perform your task well.

If the rating is above four, but a lot of orders were placed on that gig, the seller is considerably consistent in terms of providing quality. All of this information will help you decide whether or not to click on a gig and explore it further.

To find the best freelancers on Fiverr Canada, analyze seller gig and profile details

After opening a gig

By performing a targeted search and considering the factors mentioned above, you will increase your chances of finding a good match for the services you require. Next, dig a little deeper by analyzing the gig details and getting to know the seller better. 

Each gig has three packages that are priced differently. There is a basic package that is usually priced the lowest, as well as standard and premium packages. Sellers can add additional services, like specialized designs, to distinguish their standard and premium packages from their basic packages.

You can customize each package in terms of delivery date and number of revisions by paying extra money. However, not all sellers add these options to their gigs.

Check out their ratings & reviews

Once you’ve got a few potential candidates in mind, take a closer look at their ratings and reviews. A high rating of 4.5 stars or more is a good indicator that the freelancer consistently delivers quality work. But don’t just stop at the star rating—dive into the reviews to get a better understanding of what it’s like to work with them. Look for specific comments about their professionalism, punctuality, and quality of work.

Investigate bad reviews

If you see a review with a very low rating, read it and see if you can understand the reason for the low rating. Don’t dismiss a gig or a seller based on one bad review. However, if you see several reviews pointing towards the same issue, you should consider whether that issue would be a problem for your project. 

Look at their portfolio

Almost every freelancer on Fiverr Canada will have a portfolio showcasing their previous work. Go through it with a fine-tooth comb. Does their style match what you’re looking for? Can you see evidence of the skills and experience they claim to have?

Remember, a pretty picture or a well-designed logo doesn’t necessarily mean they can handle YOUR specific needs. If you like the seller but cannot find enough relevant samples, you can ask the seller to provide some when you move on to the next stage.

Consider their response time

You can also see the average response time of the seller. If a freelancer takes days to respond to your initial message, it could be a sign of things to come. A professional freelancer should respond within a reasonable timeframe of 24-48 hours and should communicate clearly and professionally. We recommend that you lean towards an average response time of 2-3 hours.

Shortlist candidates & communicate with them

After analyzing the gig and the seller and you think they’re a good fit for your project, use the heart button to save it. You can also assign the gig to a specific list you might have created, as discussed earlier in the article. Once you have shortlisted three or four gigs, it’s time to interact with the seller.

To save you time and the time of the seller, it is best to curate the first message thoughtfully. After introducing yourself, articulate your needs and expectations as clearly as possible. Share any relevant links or information about the project that the seller might need to make a well-informed decision. If you didn’t find relevant work samples in the seller’s portfolio, this is the time to ask for some.

Assess their professionalism

When you’re interacting with potential freelancers, assess their professionalism. Are they courteous and respectful in their communication? Do they ask insightful questions about your project? A freelancer who takes the time to understand your project’s specifics is more likely to deliver a product that meets your needs.

Also, consider how long the seller takes to respond to your messages, as this can also say a lot about their professionalism and how quickly they work. Once you have communicated with the sellers of the shortlisted gigs, use your experience to decide which is the best match for you.

Test them out

If you’re unsure about a freelancer but they seem promising, consider giving them a small test project. This can be a great way to gauge their skills, professionalism, and ability to meet deadlines without committing to a larger project.

Keep in mind that asking for a test project or custom sample without paying for it is very poor form. Do not ask for this unless you are willing to compensate the seller for their time and effort. A seller can create a custom gig for this purpose.

Place an order

Placing an order is equivalent to purchasing the gig. The payment will be deducted from your business credit card or Fiverr credit balance as soon as you do it. However, Fiverr keeps this payment in escrow until the seller completes the order and the buyer approves it. 

Red flags to watch out for

Now, let’s talk about some red flags that may indicate a freelancer is not likely to be professional, deliver quality work, or may not have the skills they claim to have.

Too good to be true pricing

If a freelancer’s rates seem too low compared to others offering similar services, proceed with caution. You often get what you pay for, and it could indicate a lack of experience or quality.

Generic responses

If a freelancer responds with a generic or prefab response that doesn’t address your specific needs, it could be a sign that they’re not fully invested in your project. Meaningful and personalized interactions are key.

Poor communication skills

If a freelancer’s messages are full of spelling and grammar errors, or if they’re difficult to understand, it could be a sign that they may not be able to deliver a quality product. It could also indicate that they are misrepresenting their skills or the region they claim to be from (if that’s something important to your project).

Negative reviews

Nobody is perfect and some buyers are difficult or impossible to please. A few negative reviews shouldn’t automatically disqualify a freelancer, but if they have multiple negative reviews citing similar issues like missed deadlines, poor quality work, etc., it’s a red flag.

No portfolio or low-quality portfolio

If a freelancer doesn’t have a portfolio, or if their portfolio consists of low-quality work, it could indicate a lack of experience or skill. A history of quality deliverables is the best way to make an informed decision about whether or not to work with someone.

When you find an exceptional freelancer on Fiverr Canada

If you stumble upon a hidden gem on Fiverr Canada – a freelancer who not only meets but exceeds your expectations – you’ll definitely want to build a positive, ongoing relationship with them. In turn, they’re far more likely to continue delivering top-notch work for you. It’s a win-win situation!

Here’s how you can nurture that relationship to reach your own business goals and help your freelancer succeed on Fiverr Canada:

Keep the communication flowing

Establish a clear and respectful line of communication. Discuss your expectations upfront and provide timely feedback. The more comfortable they are communicating with you, the more likely they are to understand your needs and provide exceptional service.

Be a great client

Freelancers love clients who are easy to work with, respectful, and punctual with payments. Being a great client will go a long way in building a strong relationship that is reflected in the quality of work you receive and how quickly you receive it.

Provide constructive feedback

If there’s something you’d like to see improved, communicate it in a constructive way. Your feedback can help them improve their services and become even more successful. Be clear and specific, yet always respectful, about what you don’t like as well as what you do like.

Hire them for repeat work

If a freelancer has done an excellent job for you, hire them for future projects. This will save you considerable time and money trying to find new freelancers to work with. It also provides them with a stable income and strengthens your working relationship which can improve the speed and quality of deliverables even more.

Leave a positive review

On Fiverr Canada, reviews are crucial for freelancers to build their reputation, attract more clients, and make more money. If your freelancer did an excellent job, leave a glowing review detailing what you loved about their work.

Recommend them to others

If you know someone who’s looking for freelance services, recommend your hidden gem. Word-of-mouth referrals can significantly boost their business. As a business owner, you are well-connected. Consider giving your freelancer a positive shoutout to your network on social media and in person.

Tip them

Fiverr Canada allows you to tip freelancers. If they went above and beyond the call of duty, you should reward them for it with a tip. This is a tangible way of expressing your appreciation for their exceptional work. Freelancers who work with excellent clients who give them positive reviews and tips are more likely to prioritize your projects in the future.

Acknowledge their efforts

Sometimes, a simple thank you or words of appreciation can go a long way. Recognize their hard work and let them know you value their contribution.

Understand their schedule

Freelancers have other clients and commitments. Being understanding of their schedule and providing ample time for project completion shows that you respect their time.

Involve them in the bigger picture

If appropriate, share your overall vision and goals for your project or business. When freelancers feel more connected to the bigger picture, they’re more likely to feel invested in your success. Fiverr has an integrated chat feature that allows for video calls. Consider using this to build rapport with your freelancer and better communicate your specific and long-term goals/needs.

Read more about Making Money on Upwork: How I Made More Than $100,000 Freelancing on the Platform.

Beware of fraudulent freelancers on Fiverr Canada

Most of the freelancers on Fiverr Canada are legit. But like any online marketplace, Fiverr is not immune to scam sellers. However, the platform has measures in place to minimize the risk of scams. Besides our tips to find and vet quality freelancers, here are some additional tips to help you avoid getting scammed:

Use Fiverr’s communication & payment platform

Keep all communication and payments within the Fiverr Canada platform. Scammers may try to move the conversation to email or ask for payment outside Fiverr to avoid the platform’s security measures and fees.

Be wary of unrealistically low prices

Everyone wants to save money, but quality work should be priced and compensated appropriately. If a freelancer offers services at a price that seems too good to be true, proceed with caution. Scammers may use very low prices to lure unsuspecting clients.

Verify their identity

Some scammers may create fake profiles using stolen images and information. You can ask for a video call or request a sample of their work to help verify their identity.

Use Fiverr’s escrow service

When you hire a freelancer on Fiverr Canada, your payment is held in escrow until the work is delivered and approved. This system protects both parties from fraud. By keeping payments on the platform, you’ll get the support you need from customer service if something goes awry.

Trust your instincts

If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and be cautious when dealing with freelancers you’re unsure about.

Report suspicious behaviour

If you encounter a scam seller or have concerns about a freelancer, report them to Fiverr’s support team. They will investigate and take appropriate action.

Pros & cons of Fiverr Canada

Like any platform, Fiverr Canada has its pros and cons, which can help you decide whether or not it suits your needs. Here’s what to consider before using Fiverr for your business needs:

Variety of Services: Fiverr hosts a vast number of freelancers offering a wide range of services, including writing, graphic design, marketing, and more. This diversity allows you to find the right fit for almost any project.

Accessible to Different Budgets: Freelancers on Fiverr Canada offer services at various price points, making it suitable for clients with different budgets.

Ratings and Reviews: Fiverr’s rating and review system can help you assess the quality of a freelancer’s work and reliability before hiring them.

Ease of Use: Fiverr’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to find and hire freelancers. You can easily search, filter, and contact freelancers through the platform.

Secure Payment System: Fiverr Canada uses an escrow payment system, which protects both the freelancer and the client by holding the payment until the project is delivered and approved.

Customizable Offers: You can request custom offers tailored to your specific needs, allowing for more flexibility in terms of project scope and pricing.

Escrow System Time Limit: Fiverr’s escrow payment system has a time limit for reviewing delivered projects. If you don’t review the deliverables within the given timeframe, the payment is processed and finalized. This can be problematic for busy business owners who might miss the deadline and end up paying for poor-quality work.

Fees: Fiverr charges a service fee from both freelancers and clients. These fees can add up over time, especially if you use the platform frequently.

Inconsistent Quality: Due to the sheer number of freelancers on Fiverr Canada, the quality of services can be inconsistent. It might take some time to find a freelancer who meets your standards.

Limited Interaction Before Hiring: Fiverr limits the initial interaction between clients and freelancers to the platform’s messaging system. This restriction can make it challenging to assess a freelancer’s suitability for your project fully.

Potential for Scammers: Fiverr is not immune to scam sellers. You need to be cautious and diligent in assessing freelancers to avoid getting scammed.

Fiverr Canada vs Upwork

Fiverr and Upwork are both popular platforms for finding freelancers, but they have some key differences that may influence which one you choose depending on your specific needs. Here are the main differences between the two, and when to use one platform over the other:

Price structure

Fiverr: Fiverr started out with services offered at $5, hence the name. Today, freelancers set their own prices starting from $5 and up. Each service is sold as a fixed-price “gig”, and you can add extras for additional fees.

Upwork: Freelancers on Upwork can either charge a fixed price or an hourly rate. You can post a job with a fixed budget, and freelancers can bid on it, or you can hire a freelancer at their stated hourly rate. There are also service fees on top of the amount you pay the freelancer.

Type of services

Fiverr: Fiverr is best known for quick, one-off tasks and creative services such as logo design, voiceovers, and writing. While there are a wide variety of services offered, including some that are quite niche, Fiverr may not be the best platform for complicated, time consuming, or highly collaborative projects.

Upwork: Upwork is typically seen as better suited for longer-term, professional work and larger projects. It’s used for hiring developers, experienced writers, marketers, consultants, and other professional services.

Hiring process

Fiverr: You browse through available “gigs” and choose a freelancer based on their service offering, reviews, and portfolio. The process is more like shopping for a product.

Upwork: You post a job with your specific requirements and freelancers submit proposals. You can then review the proposals, interview candidates, and choose the best fit. It’s more like a traditional hiring process.

Quality control

Fiverr: Fiverr doesn’t have a strong vetting process, so the quality of freelancers can vary widely. You have to rely on reviews, ratings, and portfolios to judge the quality of work.

Upwork: Upwork has a more rigorous vetting process, and freelancers often have to be approved to join. Upwork also offers “Top Rated” and “Rising Talent” badges to highlight high-performing freelancers.

Escrow payment system

Fiverr: You pay upfront for the gig, and the payment is held in escrow until the work is delivered and you approve it.

Upwork: For hourly jobs, you pay for the hours logged by the freelancer. For fixed-price jobs, you fund milestones, and the payment is released when the milestone is completed.

When to Use Fiverr Canada & when to use Upwork

Use Fiverr Canada when you have a small, specific task that you need to be completed quickly. Fiverr is best suited for creative services and tasks that can be packaged as a “gig”. If you want a simple, straightforward process without a lot of back-and-forth, Fiverr is a good choice.

Use Upwork when you have a larger or more complex project that requires ongoing work or a professional service. Upwork is better suited for finding experienced professionals for longer-term engagements. If you need to vet candidates, conduct interviews, and have more control over the hiring process, Upwork is a better fit.

Arthur Dubois is a personal finance writer at Hardbacon. Since relocating to Canada, he has successfully built his credit score from scratch and begun investing in the stock market. In addition to his work at Hardbacon, Arthur has contributed to Metro newspaper and several other publications