The 32 Best Side Hustles for Teens in Canada

If you’re a teenager in Canada seeking to earn some extra cash, you’re in luck! Thanks to the digital era and the growing gig economy, a wide array of Canadian side hustle opportunities is at your fingertips. You can kick-start your entrepreneurial journey either from the comfort of your own home or within your local community.

Best Online Side Hustles for Canadian Teens

Thanks to the internet, there are a plethora of side hustle opportunities that you can do from your own computer. Here are some of the best online side hustles for teens in Canada.

1. Answer paid surveys

Answering paid surveys can be an easy and flexible way for Canadian teens to start making money online. It involves signing up on survey sites and providing your opinions on various products or services. Some popular survey sites that accept Canadian members include Opinion Outpost, Survey Junkie, Branded Surveys, LEO and Ipsos iSay

While answering paid surveys is a simple side hustle, it’s worth noting that it’s typically a low-income venture. The exact amount you can make from online surveys depends on the length and complexity of the surveys, how many surveys you qualify for, and how much time you dedicate to them. Each survey usually pays a few cents to a few dollars, with longer, more detailed surveys paying more. Therefore, you can expect to make a few dollars to a few tens of dollars per week, making it a suitable option for a little extra pocket money.

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2. Become an Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk, is an online marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. It provides an accessible way for Canadian teens to earn money by completing various small tasks, like data validation, research, survey participation, content moderation, and more. To start with MTurk, you need to sign up for an Amazon account, if you don’t already have one, and then apply to be a worker on the MTurk website. The approval process can take a few days. Once approved, you can start accepting tasks. A helpful resource to maximize your earnings is the MTurk subreddit, where you can find tips and advice from experienced Turkers.

However, it’s essential to understand that the income potential from MTurk can vary widely based on the type of tasks you choose and the time you can devote. Most tasks pay just a few cents, but they’re often simple and quick to complete. According to various user reports, beginners can expect to earn about $2-$5 per hour.

3. Launch a drop shipping website

Dropshipping is an attractive e-commerce business model for teens with an entrepreneurial spirit. It allows you to operate an online store without needing to stock or handle the products yourself. Shopify, a Canadian-based e-commerce platform, is a great resource to start your dropshipping journey. Their user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up your online store, and they offer a comprehensive guide on how to get started with dropshipping. Additionally, platforms like Oberlo can connect you directly with suppliers and automate the product import and order fulfillment process.

The profit in dropshipping comes from the difference between the wholesale price you pay to your supplier and the retail price you sell the product for. It’s crucial to research and select a profitable niche market, and then find reliable suppliers offering competitive prices. Your pricing strategy needs to cover all costs while remaining attractive to customers. Marketing your products effectively is also essential for profitability. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer targeted advertising that can help you reach your potential customers.

4. Design websites for small businesses

It’s no longer necessary to know how to code to design websites. As a matter of fact, this field requires little to no coding knowledge, as you’d primarily be using website builders that offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces. Some popular platforms include Wix, Squarespace and Shopify. These platforms have extensive online tutorials and resources to help beginners understand their tools and features. 

To monetize this side hustle, you’ll essentially be offering a service of designing and potentially maintaining websites for small businesses. You can start by reaching out to local businesses in your community that don’t have a web presence, or whose websites could use a refresh. Set a competitive price for your service that covers your time and effort, but also keep in mind the budget of your target clientele. You can charge a flat rate for the entire project or an hourly rate, depending on the complexity of the project. As you gain experience and a portfolio, you can raise your rates and expand your client base. Don’t forget to ask satisfied clients for referrals, and consider setting up your own professional website to showcase your work and attract more clients.

5. Become an Online tutor

Online tutoring is a rewarding side hustle for Canadian teens who excel in a particular subject and enjoy helping others learn. Whether it’s Math, English, Science, or a second language, there’s a demand for tutors in virtually every subject. Platforms like Superprof Canada are great places to get started. To prepare yourself for online tutoring, consider taking an online course such as Start a Profitable Tutoring Business – Steps to Success! on Udemy.

The amount of money you can make as an online tutor can vary based on your subject, level of expertise, and the platform you use. On average, online tutors can expect to make between $20 to $50 per hour. 

6. Launch a podcast

Podcasting is an incredible side hustle for Canadian teens that combines creativity, technology, and entrepreneurship. To get started, all you need is a computer, a quality microphone such as the Blue Microphone, and an editing software – some of which are free, like Audacity. There’s a wealth of online resources available to guide you through the initial setup, recording, and editing of your podcast. George Sims’ book Podcast: The Beginner’s Guide to Podcasting and Making Money as a Speaker is an excellent starting point for beginners. The most common way to monetize a podcast is through sponsorships, where businesses pay you to mention their product or service during your podcast. This is usually a viable option once you’ve built up a solid listenership in the tens of thousands. However, there are no rules set in stone and you can always approach local businesses that might be willing to take a chance on a local teen’s podcast.

7. Become an affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketing is an excellent online side hustle for Canadian teens that involves promoting other company’s products and earning a commission for any sales made through your referral link. To get started, you first need to choose a niche that you’re interested in and which products you’d like to promote. Then, you can sign up for affiliate programs related to your niche. Networks like Fintel Connect, CJ Affiliates, and Rakuten Affiliate Network offer a wide array of products and services for affiliates to promote. Once you’ve been approved by a program, you can start promoting the products on your blog, YouTube channel, social media accounts, or any other platform where you have a following.

The amount of money you can make with affiliate marketing largely depends on your marketing strategy, the size and engagement level of your audience, and the products you choose to promote. Some people make a few dollars a month, while others make thousands. Most affiliate programs offer between 5% and 50% commission on products sold, but this can vary. The key to successful affiliate marketing is creating engaging content that naturally incorporates product recommendations, building trust with your audience, and being patient, as it can take time to grow your audience and see significant earnings. This side hustle requires persistence and learning, but with the right strategy and commitment, it can be quite profitable.

8. Share your internet connection provides an innovative way for teenagers in Canada to make money from their internet connection. Earnings are made possible through paid surveys and sharing internet access. These earnings can be cashed out in multiple forms like cash, Bitcoin, or gift cards. By installing the app and setting up a free account, you too can turn your internet access into a source of passive income.

A single device makes an average of $10 USD per month. The more devices you connect, the more money you can make with out any work! You have to be the age of majority in the province where you live in order to sign up on your own. If you’re underage, you need permission from a parent or legal guardian.

Social Media Side Hustles for Canadian Teens

Navigating the vast landscape of social media isn’t just for leisure or staying in touch with friends. For tech-savvy Canadian teens, platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and even Facebook can become fruitful playgrounds for innovative side hustles.

9. Become a TikTok consultant

Imagine transforming all those hours spent on TikTok into a profitable venture. If you’re a Canadian teen with a firm grip on TikTok trends and a keen eye for what makes content engaging, you could consider becoming a TikTok consultant. This is a space where your age is actually an advantage. Many business owners are still trying to figure out the fast-paced, ever-changing landscape of TikTok, while you, as a native user, understand its ins and outs.

Making money as a TikTok consultant involves offering your services to businesses that need help navigating the TikTok landscape. As a beginner, your rates might be lower to attract your first few clients, with the average being around $20 to $100 per hour depending on the project and your level of expertise.

10. Become an influencer

Becoming an influencer can be an exciting side hustle for Canadian teens who enjoy being in the spotlight and have a particular interest or talent they wish to share. In today’s digital world, virtually anyone can become an influencer, thanks to platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat. The first step is to choose a platform and a niche that you’re passionate about. It could be anything from gaming and fashion to fitness and DIY crafts. Next, start creating engaging and unique content that resonates with your target audience. Several online resources, such as Hootsuite’s blog, provide useful tips and tricks on building a following and crafting appealing content.

When it comes to monetizing your influence, there are several ways. The most common method is through sponsored posts or videos, where brands pay you to showcase their products or services. Once you have a substantial following, companies may reach out to you with these opportunities, or you can proactively pitch to brands that align with your niche. Other avenues include affiliate marketing, where you earn a commission on any sales made through your referral links, and creating your own print-on-demand merchandise or products.

11. Become a YouTuber

YouTube provides a dynamic platform for Canadian teens to turn their creative ideas into a potential side hustle. Whether your interest lies in gaming, makeup tutorials, vlogging, cooking, or educational content, the platform caters to an expansive range of niches. To get started, all you need is a Google account, a decent camera (your smartphone camera might suffice in the beginning), and editing software. Free resources like YouTube’s own Creator Academy provide invaluable tips on starting a channel, creating engaging content, and understanding YouTube’s algorithms.

When it comes to monetizing your YouTube channel, there are several routes. The most straightforward is through YouTube’s Partner Program, which allows creators to earn money from ads displayed on their videos. To qualify, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months. Once you’re part of the program, you can also make money through channel memberships and YouTube’s Super Chat feature, both of which allow your audience to pay for added perks or interaction. Alternatively, or additionally, you can earn money through brand partnerships, sponsored videos, and affiliate marketing.

12. Manage social media for small businesses

Businesses need help managing their social media accounts, and you can offer your services as a social media manager. You can create content, publish it on social media, and increase engagement for clients, and get paid a monthly or weekly retainer. Winning over small businesses as a teenage social media manager may seem challenging, but it’s all about positioning your age as an asset rather than a hurdle. 

To convince a small business to hire you, prepare a solid pitch showcasing what you can do for their businesses using social media. Ideally,  demonstrate your ideas with a mock campaign. Offer to start with a small, low-risk project, such as managing one campaign or handling one aspect of their social media, so they can see your skills in action without a significant commitment. Over time, as they see the results of your work, they may be willing to entrust you with larger responsibilities

Best Sales Side Hustles For Canadian Teens

If you’re good at selling, there are many side hustle opportunities available in sales. Here are some of the best sales hustles for teens in Canada:

13. Flip items for profit

Who knew that a weekend trip to a local flea market or garage sale could turn into a profitable venture? That’s the magic of online reselling. As a teen, if you have an eye for spotting value where others may not, this side hustle is a perfect match for you. The thrill of hunting down underpriced treasures and transforming them into a source of income can be quite exhilarating. But it’s not all about luck; this venture requires meticulous research and a pulse on what’s trending. Is that vintage jacket in style again? Could that antique lamp be a hit with mid-century modern enthusiasts?

Once you’ve found your hidden gems, platforms like Kijiji, Craigslist, eBay or Facebook Marketplace can help you reach potential buyers. Creating listings that are honest yet engaging is an art in itself. Use crisp photos and detailed descriptions to draw in interested customers. Don’t shy away from negotiation – it’s all part of the game.

Take the game a step further with online arbitrage. This involves scouting for items listed at lower prices on one marketplace and selling them at a profit on another. Say you find a popular board game selling cheap on Craigslist, but know it’s in high demand on eBay. You could create an eBay listing for the game at a higher price, and once you’ve made the sale, purchase the game on Craigslist to ship directly to your buyer. Just remember, success in online reselling and arbitrage demands strategic buying, clever pricing, and staying updated on market trends. You’ll also need to account for any associated costs, such as shipping or platform fees, when setting your selling prices.

14. Hosting garage sales

Hosting garage sales is a time-honoured tradition that can also be a fruitful side hustle for Canadian teens. It’s a way to declutter your home while also making a little money from items that are no longer needed. The key to a successful garage sale is organization and advertisement. Set a date, then start gathering items to sell and sorting them into categories like clothing, electronics, books, and so on. Be sure to clean each item and present it in the best possible light. To advertise your sale, you can use social media, local community boards, or websites like Kijiji or Craigslist. You can also use traditional methods like signs or posters in high traffic areas.

When it comes to making money, pricing is crucial. Try to find the sweet spot where you make a fair amount, but the price is still attractive to buyers. Don’t be afraid to negotiate, as haggling is part and parcel of garage sales. Remember, the goal is to sell as much as possible. As for permits, regulations vary depending on the municipality. Some cities in Canada do require a permit for garage sales, while others don’t. It’s crucial to check the local bylaws in your area to avoid any legal issues.

15. Become a salesperson for a student painting company

Engaging in a practical side hustle like becoming a salesperson for a student painting company offers Canadian teens a unique way to earn money. Companies such as University First Class Painters, College Pro, and Student Works Painting offer opportunities for students to gain invaluable experience in sales and marketing while also earning money. These firms specialize in providing painting services for homes and businesses, and their sales teams play a crucial role in securing clients and projects.

The earning potential in this side hustle is often tied to your ability to sell. As a salesperson, your job is to connect with potential clients, understand their needs, and convince them to choose your company’s services. This involves door-to-door canvassing, generating leads, giving estimates, and closing deals. Compensation can come in the form of an hourly wage, but more often, it’s commission-based, which means the more projects you secure, the more money you make. There can also be bonuses and incentives for hitting or exceeding sales targets. The beauty of this hustle is that it not only allows you to earn money, but it also equips you with skills like communication, negotiation, and customer service that are valuable in the future. While it may be challenging initially, with time and effort, it can be a rewarding venture.

16. Work for a call centers

Embarking on a job in a sales-oriented call center may not seem like the most thrilling side hustle for Canadian teens, but it can be a significant stepping stone for those interested in honing their sales skills. Furthermore, those jobs are easy to get because of the high turnover rate in Canadian call centers.

Working for a call center experience can be surprisingly enriching for those who stick it out. It’s a real-world sales boot camp, where you can learn about handling objections, persuasive techniques, and building rapport with customers. The starting pay typically ranges from CAD $15-20 per hour, with potential for commission based on sales performance. 

Best Creative Side Hustles For Canadian Teens

If you’re artistically inclined, there are a variety of side hustles that allow you to express your creativity and make money. Here are some of the best creative side hustles for teens in Canada:

17. Sell stock photos online

If you’ve got an eye for capturing compelling images, selling stock photos online could be a profitable side hustle. Many stock photo websites such as Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images require high-resolution images, typically a minimum of 4 megapixels, which is within the capability of most smartphones today. So, yes, you can start your photography journey with a regular phone, making this side hustle accessible to most Canadian teens.

While your device doesn’t have to be a high-end DSLR, the quality and originality of the photo remain paramount. Understand the market by researching the best-selling categories, from landscapes to lifestyle shots. After snapping and editing your photos, upload them to these platforms where customers can purchase either the rights to your photos or pay per download. Each photo might not bring in a high return initially, but with numerous downloads, the earning potential adds up.

For those looking to build a portfolio and attract potential clients, consider Unsplash. Although it’s a royalty-free site and won’t generate direct income, the exposure gained can lead to commissioned work or direct purchases. It’s a strategic move to draw attention to your work and can contribute to making your photography side hustle successful.

18. Become a logo designer

There’s no shortage of businesses in need of an impactful logo, making logo design a fantastic side hustle for artistically inclined Canadian teens. It’s a field that allows for creativity, versatility, and the ability to work virtually from anywhere. Platforms like Adobe Illustrator or free alternatives like Canva can be learned and utilized for logo design. 

There are various ways to find entrepreneurs in need of a logo online. Websites such as 99designs or DesignHill host contests where designers can submit their creations to fulfill a client’s brief. If your design is chosen, you’ll earn a set fee. On the other hand, platforms like Fiverr and Upwork allow you to establish a freelance profile where you can showcase your portfolio, set your rates, and connect directly with clients looking for logo design services. These platforms operate on a gig basis, where clients hire you for a single, clearly defined task. 

19. Sell print-on-demand items 

If you’re a creative Canadian teen with an entrepreneurial spirit, selling print-on-demand items can be an exciting and potentially profitable side hustle. Print-on-demand services allow you to sell your custom designs on a wide range of products, from t-shirts and hoodies to mugs and tote bags, without having to manage inventory or shipping. All you need to start is an appealing design and a bit of marketing savvy.

Services such as Printful, Printify, or Zazzle can handle the production and shipping of your products. You simply create your design, choose the products you want to sell, and upload them to the platform. The real work comes in marketing your items and attracting customers. You can use social media, build a website, or use marketplaces like Etsy to promote and sell your products. Each time a customer orders one of your designs, the print-on-demand service creates and ships the product, and you earn a profit from the markup you’ve added to the base price. With print-on-demand, the sky’s the limit – the more appealing your designs and the more effective your marketing, the more you can potentially earn.

20. Offer music lessons

For musically inclined Canadian teens, offering music lessons can be an enjoyable and profitable side hustle. It’s a chance to share your passion and expertise while helping others learn a new skill. Whether you excel at piano, guitar, or even the saxophone, there are always budding musicians eager to learn.

Starting off, it’s beneficial to hone your teaching skills. This could mean taking some pedagogy classes, or simply practicing by teaching friends or family members for free. To find students, consider advertising your services on local community boards, both online and offline. Social media can also be a powerful tool to reach a wider audience. Additionally, websites like Lessonface and TakeLessons are platforms where you can create a profile and connect with students from all over the world.

As for making money, most music teachers charge by the hour, with rates varying depending on your level of expertise, the instrument, and your location. As you gain experience and reputation, you can increase your rates. Additionally, teaching online opens up the possibility of teaching more students in a shorter amount of time, which can also increase your earnings. Offering music lessons not only enriches your students’ lives but could also significantly enrich yours.

21. Become an Etsy creator

For the creatively inclined Canadian teens, an Etsy side hustle can be a rewarding and profitable venture. Etsy is an online marketplace known for unique and handmade goods, making it the perfect platform for teens who create anything from handmade jewelry to customized digital prints. The process of opening an Etsy shop is relatively straightforward: you’ll need to create an account, set up your shop, list your items, and determine shipping methods.

One example of a popular Etsy item is handmade candles. If you enjoy experimenting with scents and colors, this could be a fun and lucrative venture. You can customize your candles to suit different themes, seasons, or even personalize them for specific customers. Other items you can sell on Etsy include handcrafted jewelry, personalized clothing, digital artwork, printables, and so much more.

To make money on Etsy, you’ll need to consider your costs (materials, shipping, and Etsy fees), and price your products accordingly to make a profit. The more unique and high-quality your products are, the more you can charge. Additionally, good product photography and descriptions, along with great customer service, will help attract and retain customers. If you’re dedicated and willing to learn, being an Etsy creator can be a profitable and rewarding way to turn your hobby into a side hustle.

Best Service-Based Side Hustles For Canadian Teens

Are you a teen looking for a way to make some extra cash? There are many service-based side hustles that allow you to provide helpful services to your local community while earning money. Here are some of the best service-based side hustles for teens in Canada:

22. Become a babysitter

If you enjoy spending time with children, working as a babysitter can be a great way to earn money. You can offer your services to families in your local community and get paid per hour. Not only will you be providing a valuable service to busy parents, but you’ll also have the opportunity to bond with children and make a positive impact on their lives.

As a babysitter, you’ll be responsible for keeping children safe and entertained while their parents are away. This might involve playing games, reading stories, or helping with homework. You’ll also need to be comfortable handling basic childcare tasks like feeding, diaper changes, and putting children to bed.

23. Become a dog walker

​​Dog walking is a great side hustle for teens who enjoy the company of furry friends. Not only does it provide exercise and a chance to spend time outdoors, it’s also a service that’s always in demand as pet owners often need help to ensure their dogs get enough daily activity. Starting your dog walking side hustle in Canada doesn’t require a formal qualification, but a genuine love for dogs and a basic understanding of dog behavior would be beneficial.

To get started, you can advertise your services to friends, family, and neighbours. Online platforms such as Kijiji, Craigslist, or even local community Facebook groups can also be effective places to reach a wider audience. Additionally, websites and apps like Rover provide a platform specifically for pet services, connecting pet owners with dog walkers and sitters.

When it comes to making money, dog walkers typically charge per walk, not per dog. The rate can vary depending on the length of the walk, the number of dogs, and your location. For instance, a 30-minute walk could range anywhere from $15 to $25. Offering additional services like pet sitting or overnight care can also increase your income. Remember to be reliable, responsible, and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the dogs under your care, as these factors can significantly contribute to your reputation and success in this side hustle.

24. Shovel Your Neighbour’s Driveways

For teens who don’t mind a bit of cold and physical labour, shoveling driveways during the Canadian winter months can be a lucrative side hustle. When the snow piles up, many homeowners don’t feel like clearing their driveways and sidewalks themselves and that’s where you come in.

Getting started can be as simple as going door-to-door in your neighbourhood offering your services, or putting up flyers at local community centers and supermarkets. Additionally, you can advertise your services online through local community Facebook groups, or platforms such as Kijiji and Craigslist.

Earnings for shoveling snow can vary depending on the size of the driveway and the depth of the snow. Some teens charge a flat rate per driveway, while others will sell to homeowners on a per season basis. On average, you can expect to make between $25 and $75 per driveway and between $300 to $500 per season. Offering to salt the driveways or pathways after shoveling can add additional value to your service and potentially increase your earnings.

25. Mow Your Neighbour’s Lawns

A classic and practical side hustle for teens is offering lawn mowing services. During the spring and summer months in Canada, many homeowners need regular lawn care but may lack the time or physical ability to do it themselves. This is where you, the enterprising teen, come in. Starting up doesn’t require much beyond access to a reliable lawn mower, some basic knowledge of lawn care, and a good work ethic.

You can kick off your business by first offering your services to neighbours, friends, and family, and gradually expand your client base through word of mouth. Another effective way to advertise is by posting flyers around your neighbourhood or advertising in local community online groups. Websites like Kijiji and Craigslist can also be helpful platforms to reach a broader audience.

When it comes to making money, lawn mowing services usually charge per job, factoring in the size of the lawn and the time it takes to mow it. On average, you might make between $20 and $50 per lawn, but this can vary based on your location and the specific needs of your client.

26. Become a Pool Boy or Pool Gal

For teens looking for a refreshing and rewarding summer side hustle, becoming a pool boy or pool gal can be an excellent choice. In areas with a significant number of private swimming pools, homeowners often require help to maintain, clean, and prepare their pools for the swimming season. Starting this side hustle would require some understanding of pool maintenance, including how to test and adjust water chemical levels, clean filters, and use a pool skimmer effectively. 

To get started, you could reach out to neighbors and local community members who have pools, offering your services for regular maintenance throughout the summer. You could also advertise through local online community boards, social media groups, or traditional methods like leaflets and flyers. Platforms like Kijiji or Facebook’s Marketplace could be particularly useful for reaching a broader local audience.

In terms of potential earnings, this can vary greatly based on the size of the pool, the frequency of service, and the exact tasks that need to be performed. However, you might expect to make anywhere from $25 to $75 per visit, with potential for tips.

Best Summer Side Hustles For Canadian Teens

As the Canadian school year ends and the summer sun begins to shine, opportunities abound for enterprising teens looking to make some extra cash. From traditional roles like lifeguarding to entrepreneurial endeavors like selling used golf balls, these summer side hustles are not just about making money, but also about learning valuable skills.

27. Become a Golf Caddy

As a teenager, one can tap into the world of golf by becoming a golf caddy. A golf caddy is someone who assists golfers by carrying their bags, providing advice on shots and putts, cleaning their clubs, and offering general support as needed during a round of golf. This job requires a solid understanding of the game, so those with a love of golf or a willingness to learn about the sport have a distinct advantage. To get started as a golf caddy, you might want to approach local golf courses, country clubs, or driving ranges. 

As for the pay, compensation can vary widely depending on the golf course, region, and the individual golfer’s discretion. Caddies often work for tips, and these can be quite generous, particularly at high-end courses. On average, a caddy could earn anywhere from $20 to $50 per bag for a round of golf, with additional tips potentially doubling that amount. This makes golf caddying a potentially lucrative side hustle for teens, particularly those with an interest in golf.

28. Sell used golf balls

Golfing is a popular sport across Canada, and selling used golf balls can be an unconventional yet profitable side hustle for teens. If you live near a golf course, there’s a good chance that many golf balls end up lost in nearby woods, water hazards, or fields. With the course’s permission, you can collect these lost balls, clean them up, and then sell them at a fraction of the cost of new ones.

To get started, all you need is a good eye for spotting the balls and a bit of elbow grease for cleaning them. Once you have a sizable collection, you can start selling them. There are various outlets you can use for this purpose, like Kijiji, Craigslist, or eBay for online sales. Alternatively, consider setting up a stall at local flea markets or garage sales. You can also directly approach golf courses or golfing clubs that might be interested in purchasing used balls at a lower cost. With golf balls often selling new for anywhere from $1 to $4 a ball, pricing your used balls competitively can attract bargain-seeking golfers and net a decent profit, depending on the brand and condition of the balls. While it requires time and effort, this side hustle can be a great way to make money, especially during the golfing season.

29. Become a Lifeguard at your local pool

For those who are strong swimmers and love being around water, becoming a lifeguard could be the perfect side hustle. Lifeguards play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of individuals at pools, lakes, and beaches, making this job both rewarding and responsible. Before you can dive into lifeguarding, you’ll need to complete a lifeguard certification course. 

The pay for lifeguards can vary, but in Canada, the average wage for a lifeguard ranges from $15 to $20 per hour. This can be significantly higher in certain regions or at private facilities. Additionally, having a lifeguard certification can lead to other opportunities in the aquatic field, such as swimming instruction or aquatic fitness leadership. This could open up even more avenues for earning. While lifeguarding requires a considerable amount of training and responsibility, it can be a great side hustle for teens who are up for the challenge and enjoy working around water.

30. Work For A Water Park

If the idea of sunshine, water, and fun appeals to you, then working at a water park might just be the side hustle you’ve been looking for. Water parks hire teens for a wide range of roles – from lifeguards and ride attendants to food service workers and guest service representatives. Each of these roles contribute to creating a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for park guests. To get started, check out the job postings on the websites of local water parks or reach out to them directly to inquire about any openings. Also, consider if you may need any specific certifications, like lifeguarding or food safety, depending on the role you’re interested in. As for the pay, it can vary greatly depending on the role, your experience, and the specific water park. In Canada, entry-level positions often start around minimum wage, which varies from province to province in Canada.  

31. Become a camp counselor

Summer camps are an essential part of many Canadian childhoods, and as a camp counselor, you could play a big part in creating those memories. Whether it’s a day camp or overnight camp, counselors are the heart and soul of the operation, leading activities, ensuring safety, and fostering a supportive and fun environment for campers. 

For teens looking to break into this role, it’s worth reaching out to local camps or searching online for camp counselor job postings. Sites like the Ontario Camps Association often have job boards for positions in Ontario. 

When it comes to compensation, salaries for camp counselors can vary widely based on the camp, location, and your responsibilities. Typically, the range can start anywhere from $200 to $600 per week including room and board (if it’s an overnight camp).

32. Become a busboy or a busgirl 

In the bustling food service industry, starting as a busboy or busgirl can be a viable way for Canadian teens to dip their toes in the working world. Despite age restrictions in establishments that serve alcohol — where serving staff must be 18 or 19 depending on the province — minors are still legally able to work as busboys or busgirls. This role is crucial to the smooth functioning of any restaurant, involving clearing and resetting tables, aiding serving staff, and ensuring the dining area is clean and well-organized.

Securing a busboy or busgirl position can be as simple as applying to local restaurants or cafés. Keep an eye on job posting websites like Indeed or even your local community bulletin boards for opportunities. As for earnings, the average wage for busboys and busgirls in Canada typically starts around minimum wage (which varies by province), but the true payoff comes with the potential for tips. These tips can significantly supplement your income, especially during busy shifts.

Arthur Dubois is a personal finance writer at Hardbacon. Since relocating to Canada, he has successfully built his credit score from scratch and begun investing in the stock market. In addition to his work at Hardbacon, Arthur has contributed to Metro newspaper and several other publications